The Superiority of the New Covenant – Hebrews 8:10-13

Take your copy of God’s Word and meet me in Hebrews 8:10-12…

I’m a supporter of Apple products. From my computer to my iPad to my phone, I support Apple.  Every year or so, Apple releases a new phone.  Usually, the phone is said to be a major upgrade from the last edition. Major enough to make you spend two to three hundred more dollars on it.  Usually, the Apple CEOs claim the new phone has greater camera quality, the screen resolution is clearer, and the processor is superior, which makes the phone faster but let’s all be honest, it’s pretty much the exact same phone. Year after year, they dupe us into spending more and more money on technology. I say us as I have the latest edition of the iPhone. But technically, I pay for my phone month to month through Verizon, and because of my updates, I’m never really paying full price for the phones; that’s how I rationalize in my mind. But for once, I would like for them actually to make good on their word. I would like for Apple to release a phone so revolutionary, so innovative, that the only thing it has in common with the edition before it is the fact that they are both phones. That would be true superiority.